History of Baryshivka

Baryshivka was founded in the 980s and 990s by Prince Volodymyr Monomakh Ostersky, who built the transit and trade city of Baruch. If we consider the middle between these dates, and it has the smallest error, then the foundation of Baryshivka took place around 985.
Baryshivka was first mentioned in the annals in 1125-1126 as Baruch settlement.
1603 — Baryshovskoe.
1630 – the city of Baryshov. In 1630, the population of the city took part in the uprising of Taras Tryasyl against the Poles.
From 1648 to 1782, Baryshivka was the center of the Baryshivka Hundred of the Pereyaslav Cossack Regiment.
In 1661-1663, the city was occupied by Polish troops.
Since 1731, Baryshivka was considered a military settlement.
Since 1775, Baryshivka belonged to Colonel Sulima.
With the abolition of the Cossack regimental system, the town became part of the Ostersky District of the Kyiv Governorate.
Since the beginning of the 19th century, Baryshivka has been part of the Pereyaslav District of the Poltava Province.
In 1890, the Baryshiv parish with an area of ​​3,595 square versts included 16 villages with a total population of 10,885 people.
On February 4-5, 1919, a battle took place between the Bolsheviks and the UNR Army (mainly local volunteers) in Baryshivka and the surrounding villages.
On July 3, 1921, Baryshiv Volost became part of the Kyiv Governorate, and in 1923 the town became the district center of the Kyiv District.
In the mid-1930s, the Assumption Church was destroyed in the city.

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